Project description
From “To-Do” to “Done”
Priding himself on personalized service, Mr. How Do You Do It is a Minneapolis based handyman. Client wanted logo for advertisements, business cards, and other marketing materials. Retro and personal, this logo is easily recognizable and provides a unique and individual brand the client was striving for. Efficiency and high quality work is what customers love about working with Mr. How. Because of this, I thought that the “From To-Do to Done” tagline is a reminder that calling in the experts helps get things crossed off the never ending to-do list.
Role in Project
Used drawing skills for character development to create a one of a kind logo for the client. Along with a custom logo, a flannel type pattern was integrated into marking materials. Often, you will see Mr. How in a blue and black flannel shirt. Mr. How does great work and business comes from frequent referrals. He needed business cards and door hangers so his contact information was readily available.

Just for fun!
The client loved the logo, so for my thank you gift I was able to bring the logo to life thanks to Budsies. Mr. How has now entered a new dimension.